


Fresh Friday & Delicious Saturday   Featuring The Beautiful & TalentedHeather Hex & Much More! PlusThe Ladies of Stonewall

Indigo's Ugly Christmas Sweater Birthday Party & Delicious Saturday   Featuring The DivaMiss Heather Hex & Much More! PlusThe Ladies of Stonewall Cash & Prizes To The Ugliest Christmas Sweater

"DRAG IT OUT" Open Stage Night & Black Fresh Friday   Featuring King's & Queen's & Babies In BetweenOpen stage Entertainment & Much More! Plus The Ladies of Stonewall

Delicious Saturday   Featuring The Beautiful & Talented Diva'sNala De La Cruise, Crown Victoria & Much More! PlusThe Ladies of Stonewall

New Year's Eve Celebration, Come Ring In The New Year! Featuring The Diva'sMiss Heather Hex, Miss Coyote & Plus Sexy Hot Male Strippers! AlsoThe Ladies of Stonewall Doors Open @ 9PM - 2 Shows @ 11PM & 1AM  

Fresh Friday & Delicious Saturday   Featuring The Beautiful & Talented DivaAddison Van Damn & Much More! PlusThe Ladies of Stonewall